Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Onward to Walla Walla, WA

The day started out great.  I had another great day to ride.  My goal for today was a 70 mile ride to Walla Walla, Wa.  My legs were a little sore but when you actually get on the bike and start seeing the scenery you forget what is hurting.  

I have to be honest, I stand at 6'5" tall but one of my biggest fears is heights.  The bridges around here are huge.  About 15 miles into my ride I had to cross one of those bridges.  I was scared to death, not because I was in danger but I was pretty high up.  I just focused on the road in front of me and talk to God the entire way.  He got me through it.  After I crossed the bridge I ran into two guys (Eric and Shawn) that were coming from Missoula, Montana.  We shared information on the routes we had to look forward to.  

Tony, my uncle has been here with me since Friday.  He has been traveling along taking pictures and video of different things.  If I stopped to take pictures of everything I wouldn't get any riding done.  He is leaving in the morning so I will have to stop and take more of them. I truly appreciated all his help.  He took a few absolutely beautiful pictures and video.  It is easy to do when you have views that are around here.

I traveled along the Columbia River for about 30 miles and it was breathtaking. Here are examples of the views I had while riding.....Amazing!

Then after a 68 mile ride I finished the day pulling into Walla Walla, WA.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, Just found your website and this is too cool WOW! We are in Sanibel Island, Florida and rented bikes. We rode 6 level miles and I was ready to get off. 70 miles up and down...WOW! I just prayed for your safety and endurance. Enjoy!
