The idea of cycling across the country was just a thought two years ago. I shared the idea with my health classes as I gave them a sheet that I call the WOW list. I give this sheet to all of my high school and college classes. The WOW stands for WithOut Wonder. I try to make them think about something they could do or achieve that would WOW them. I make them think about things that they have wondered "what would that be like", and then challenge them to do it. As we were going through this lesson one of the students asked, "what is something on your WOW list?" I replied that I had a few but one thing that I always wondered was, what it would be like to travel across the country on a bicycle. I then followed it up with, " I will do it one day." I thought back to 17 years ago when I was in high school and two teachers, Tom Anderson and Eric Krauff, set out on a journey from Georgetown, OH and went to the west coast. At that time I didn't know but 17 years later I realized that they inspired me.
Tomorrow I will begin my journey to inspire and help, just like those two teachers did me, by riding across the country. It has been quite a journey to get to this point by now it is time to mark off another WOW moment that I have on my list. When i make it from sea to shining sea it will be a major WOW moment that I'm sure I will never forget. I challenge each and everyone of you to start a WOW list. Write it down and make I happen. It's time to stop making excuses of why you can't do something and start figuring out ways you can. Time is precious so use it wisely!