I rode into Illinois. This is the first state that I have been in, so far on this journey, that I have actually stayed in other than at the airport. I now feel like I'm getting closer to home. My brother and uncle came in to Peoria and I took July 4th off. We went to Bass Pro Shop and it had a bowling alley in it so went actually played a few games. Tony beat up every game but I''m blaming his victories on my numb hands from riding.
We went back to the hotel after dinner and turned it into a bike shop. It was time to change tires and do some maintenance to the bike. As you can see after 2,500 miles I got everything I could out of those tires. In those 2,500 miles I only had one flat and it was the same day I changed the tires. So they were very good to me.
Today I made it to Indiana and the Eastern Time Zone. Now after I get use to this time change I won't have to adjust anymore.
One of the best parts of this trip is the people that you meet and the small towns that you go through. Every small town has its own character and is known for something. As I rolled into Hillsboro, IN they had bikes on side of the building going through town.
The journey continues one small town at a time. I'll be back in my home state of Ohio soon passing through on my way to the Atlantic Ocean. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends. Until then I will Just Keep Pedaling.
Please don't forget the reason I'm out here. Do something positive in your life. Take steps to make yourself healthy and happy. Also raising awareness and funds for the Brian Grant Foundation, Spencer's Army, and Rachael's Raising Hope.