Monday, May 27, 2013

Freedom Gear Cyclery

I truly can't say enough about the wonderful people at Freedom Gear Cyclery. Without their support and insight I truly don't think I could have made this entire trip possible.  Matt and Kim Brodbeck has only had Freedom Gear Cyclery open for about 6 months but the impact they are making in the community and people that they come in contact with is amazing.

As I was starting the planning for bikes I was doing a lot of research on different touring bikes. I traveled to a lot of bike shop throughout the area.  The first time I walked through the door at Freedom Gear Cyclery it was a little different than any of the others.  Matt came up to me and asked if he could help with anything and I started asking him about touring bikes.  He was very informative and about a half an hour into our conversations, he asked "So what are you doing"?  I kind of smiled a little and told him I was riding my bike across country.  Matt's eyes got a little bigger and then I told him that I was riding for the Brian Grant Foundation, Rachael's Raising Hope, and Spencer's Army.  His first response without blinking an eye was "I want to help".  Every other bike shop I went to would respond with how amazing it was or that's awesome but Matt showed his heart with his response. We continued to talk about the adventure that I was planning and Matt was telling me what they could actually do to help.  That day I was with Tony, my uncle, and we left Freedom Gear Cyclery knowing that we found the shop that could truly help with this adventure.

The last few months I have spent countless hours in Freedom Gear Cyclery and I know without a doubt I was sent there for a reason.  Matt, Kim, Fred, and the entire staff have been wonderful to me.  They have not only helped me with cycling and all the planning, they helped me along my spiritual journey.  Above the door as you leave they have a bible verse that empowers their name.

2 Corinthians 3:17

17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Matt, Kim, Fred, Little Matt, and everyone at Freedom Gear Cyclery are not only wonderful at maintenance for your bike, fitting, finding the perfect bike for your needs, or helping you plan a trip across country, they are fantastic people.  I'm happy to call Freedom Gear Cyclery my bike shop but more importantly I'm blessed to call everyone there my friends.  

  Freedom Gear Cyclery - Free to Ride
7695 Beechmont Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45255


Friday, May 24, 2013

Kickoff a Success

The Pedaling With Purpose Awareness Across America Kickoff event was a success. The event started with a 25 mile fun ride on a portion of the National Underground Railroad trail down Old 68 in Georgetown, OH, then across the scenic Rt 52 in Ripley, OH, and then back to Georgetown on Freesoil Rd. The overcast skies in the beginning of the morning looked liked we could be riding in the rain but it held off to be perfect riding conditions. Spencer was our honary starter and he began the ride in cheerful fashion.  Sixteen riders gathered to enjoy a great morning of cycling and friendship. After the ride cyclist were treated to lunch sponsored by Subway in Mt. Orab, OH.  Each rider also left with a Pedaling With Purpose T-shirt and a sense of pride knowing that they helped three wonderful charitable causes.

After the ride, a silent auction, quarter auction, and a raffle was held.  Many volunteers devoted their time to help raise funds for the Brian Grant Foundation, Rachael's Raising Hope, and Spencer's Army. Numerous vendors were available to make the quarter auction a exciting.  It was awesome to see a community come together and many connections made.  Thank you to everyone that made the Pedaling With Purpose Awareness Across America Kickoff a success! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Awareness across America : Just Keep Pedaling

Awareness across America : Just Keep Pedaling: The Pedaling with Purpose logo was designed by a very close friend of mine, Thad Wallace.  He has actually designed all of our logos, lett...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Just Keep Pedaling

The Pedaling with Purpose logo was designed by a very close friend of mine, Thad Wallace.  He has actually designed all of our logos, letterhead, t-shirts, and everything else that needed a creative touch.  He does wonderful work.  His wife Jen did all of our photography and she does a wonderful job as well.  They are a very creative and giving family that I'm honored to call my friends.

I gave Thad an idea of what I wanted and I told him that I wanted the phrase, "Just Keep Pedaling" on the logo.  The story of that phrase is very interesting and I think about it quite often when things get tough.  Being the sporatic person that I am, I went out and bought a Cannondale CAAD 9 road bike.  I never really rode before but I was going through a huge transition in my life and I thought if I was going to spend that much money on something it would force me to use it. I don't know how logical that ideas was actually but it did work.  I bought my helmet, water bottle cages, water bottles, sun glasses and all the other necessities of cycling. 

It was time for me to use all the equipment that I had just purchased and take my first ride.  I was riding with a good friend Jon Linkous.  We were set to go and I realized I didn't know really what to do and I asked him, "is there anything I should know before we do this?"  His reply was very simple and precise, "Just Keep Pedaling".

Quite often I think about that little phrase that Jon shared with me.  I try to apply it to my entire life and it has become the theme to this entire project.  It doesn't matter the terrain, how fatigued you are, the mountain ahead, if you JUST KEEP PEDALING everything will be ok and you will make it to the other side.  Sometime we are given situations that we think are difficult and that we don't know if we can make it on the other side.  Just remember, God never gives us more than we can handle.  Whatever your situation maybe I promise there is a brighter side. You have to "Just Keep Pedaling" to get there.