Sunday, April 28, 2013

Awareness across America : The Ride Across America

Awareness across America : The Ride Across America: The Pedaling with Purpose: Awareness across America Ride will begin on June 2nd, 2013 in Astoria, Oregon and end in July, 2013 in Yorktown, ...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ride Across America

The Pedaling with Purpose: Awareness across America Ride will begin on June 2nd, 2013 in Astoria, Oregon and end in July, 2013 in Yorktown, Virginia. I will be riding nearly 3,500 miles coast to coast on a bicycle. The purpose is to raise awareness of unhealthy living, promote families to live a healthy active lifestyle together, and inspire my students and people I come in contact to take action on their dreams. This entire ride was once a dream that is now becoming a reality because I took action and wanted to help. I figured out quickly that you can't help other people unless you help yourself first.

My story explains how through the thoughtfullness and love of friends and family my life was changed. It wasn't until then that I could truly fulfill my calling to help others. I'm on a mission to spend my entire summer, inspiring and helping adults and children that are broken because of the unhealthy lifestyles that they live. I want to pay forward the knowledge and care that was given to me that truly changed my life.

Along the way I will be helping raise funds for three very special charitable causes: Brian Grant Foundation for Parkinson's, Rachael's Raising Hope, and Spencer's Army for Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. If you could donate at least ONE PENNY a mile, just $35, we could make a huge difference in the lives of many. If you are unable to make a monetary donation please help us out by spreading the word of the event. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE DIFFERENCE.  Visit: for more information or  to donate. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Ultimate Ride

The ultimate bike ride across the United States was designed to inspire myself and others to become the best they can possibly become.

You were put on this earth to motivate others.  Through your enthusiasm and your zest for living, you will be able to make charitable contributions to organizations and individuals who are in a position to assist others.

I am riding a total of 3,500 miles in a two month period.  I challenge you to set a goal, whatever it might be to lose weight, to raise a family, to exercise on a regular basis or something else, always remember these words.  "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."  No matter how steep the terrain is, no matter how difficult the journey might be, if you put in the kind of effort that you must on a regular basis, you can and you will succeed.  You can be a winner my friend.  Do not permit anyone else to tell you that you can't because with strength, determination and a strong will to succeed, you can. 
Riding in Ohio on a beautiful day!!!